Saturday, February 25, 2012

Unboxing #2 - the GazettE's REMEMBER THE URGE -Optical Impression- and TOXIC [Limited Edition]

I like all kinds of music.  My friend affectionately gave me the title of "Music Whore" because of my eclectic tastes.  Er.  Yey?

Anywho, I am a huge fan of Jrock.  My friend introduced me to the GazettE in 2005/2006...around the time when they released Cassis.  After listening to the fantastic song, I started looking into their band history, appearances in shows, live performances, interviews, and, of course, the rest of their discography. ♥  The combination of their music/personalities/etc. really appealed to me and I started to follow their releases, interviews, and such more closely than before.  When I had the means (not really), I started to support them by purchasing their singles and albums.  And boy, does the Japanese music industry know how to get the most from their customers.  Most artists will release several different versions of their albums and singles.  For the GazettE, they always split their singles into two versions: an "-Auditory Impression-" version that includes the title track and two B-side tracks, and an "-Optical Impression-" version that includes the title track, one B-side, and a DVD containing the PV and making of the PV.  Their albums usually have a regular edition and a limited edition.  All in all, lots of money spent on buying their music, but well worth it.  I guess I should be grateful that they're not like some of the other bands/artists that release, like, five different versions of everything. ;~;

I only wish I could have started buying their merchandise earlier; I've missed out on a lot of music that's now out of print...=/  But if anyone happens to have a new copy of their limited edition NIL album...(and everything else...)  Just saying.  The packaging for that baby was BEAUTIFUL and the music from that album was awesome.  Meow.

Well, I didn't start taking pictures of the music I've ordered until super recently, and a part of me wishes I had, but it's all good.  Here are a few (heh) photos from when I ordered the GazettE's REMEMBER THE URGE -Optical Impression- single and the limited edition of TOXIC, their newest studio album.  (I had ordered the -Auditory Impression- of their single earlier.)  There was a deal on CDJapan; if you order the -Optical Impression- version of the single along with the limited edition of TOXIC, there would be a free tumbler gift with a picture of the boys featured in the cup. \o/

This thing was a MONSTER. ♥

Side view of MONSTER.

The box got a little messed up during shipping...the posters included in my order were creased.  Sad.

The green packaging paper characteristic of CDJapan greeted me when I first opened the box.  And yes.  That's my dinner on the table.

After peeling away the first layer, I was super excited to see my posters...then super sad when I discovered they were bent. D:

Lookie!  All the way at the bottom!

Another view.  Just because.

*.* Part 2—Love how the album comes with its own bag/slipcover.  Yes, that huge book is the album.

The tumbler!

A different angle of the box.

Yay!  More green paper!

As snug as a bug in a rug.

Yay!  Bubble wrap!


I like the white box that houses the tumbler.  It's glossy and sturdy.

A preview picture of what the boys look like on the tumbler.

葵 (Aoi) - Rhythm guitarist

れいた (Reita) - Bassist

ルキ(Ruki) - Vocalist; 戒 (Kai) - Drummer and leader

麗 (Uruha) - Lead guitarist

Meow. ♥

I didn't take any pictures of the contents of the single/album and most likely won't.  One, it's really hard to get good pictures of super glossy things.  And obviously, from the photos I've posted, photographer, I am not.  Two, taking those pictures would require me to actually open the booklets all the way, which will probably damage them.  I am absolutely CRAZY about these kinds of things.  Even though I've thumbed through the single and album a few times, I took special care to keep the booklet of the single and the spine of the album as tight as possible.  Yeah.  Anywho, the entire package was quite pricy.  I'd definitely venture as far as to say what I paid for it was overpriced.  But I couldn't resist the "free" posters and tumbler cup.  (On CDJapan, more often than not, the earliest buyers of certain products will get a free gift...usually a poster.)  My fangirl was well fed the day my order arrived. :D

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