Friday, February 3, 2012

Something Old, Something New

An honest attempt at doing something sort of old, but something sort of new...

I've tried blogging a few years ago via Xanga, albeit rather inconsistently for about four years.  The last time I wrote anything in there was early 2009.  Looking back and reading my old blogs...all I can really say is either yikes, that was really badly written, or wow, I wrote that?  Er.  Trite, juvenile, and whiny...I think that about covers it.

But recently, for some reason or other, the idea of blogging has sparked my interest again.  I'd like this blog to better reflect upon who I am than my previous one did.  I'm a quirky person and I find that in public, I tend to shy away from "acting like myself"...for lack of a better phrase.  With that, I've titled myself/the blog Entitatis—Latin for entity.  At this point, I would like to apologize to any Latin speakers that may have somehow come across my little, secluded corner of the 'net.  I hope I haven't used Entitatis improperly, but if I've butchered the word, please accept my humblest apologies!  (And tell me how to use it properly!)

I think the reason behind using a word that means entity to refer to myself/this blog is something that's quite easy to grasp.  Everyone has a side that's always hidden from the public eye.  I'm fairly certain that I'm not the only one who recognizes this to be true.  This blog is essentially a physical representation of my "inner entity", and the words contained within, the thoughts and musings of said creature.

That being said, welcome to Entitatis.

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