Saturday, October 12, 2013

Unboxing #10 - JeA's Just JeA

Whew, it's certainly getting quite hot isn't least it was when I started this post...^^"

Finally, the resident leader and powerhouse of Brown Eyed Girls, JeA, makes her long-awaited foray as a solo artist.  Well, to be precise, prior to this mini-album, she HAS released a track apart from her group (aside from her contribution to various soundtracks)...but this time around we get a physical release and proper promotion.  Yay!

Just JeA was released on January 4th, 2013.  Here's a quick tracklist.  As always, if there is an official video for a song, I will link it!  I believe there are two of them this time around.

1. Days & Nights ft. Eric Benét
2. 길고양이, (Street Cat)
3. 그대가 잠든 사이, (While You're Sleeping)
4. 안아보자, (Let's Hug) ft. 정엽 (Jung Yeob) of Brown Eyed Soul
5. Silent Stalker ft. Double K

Now onto the visuals!


Bubble wrapppp.

JeA, looking gorgeous.

Side panel.

Topmost view.

In which the CD makes the back cover its home.

Unobstructed view of the CD.

Back cover and another track list.

I love the visual concept JeA was going for.  I believe she stated that she wanted the packaging to be reminiscent of a personal diary/scrapbook/book.  I think the execution of that idea was spot on.  There's even a table of contents-like page included in the first few pages.  She has a few pages dedicated to every song on the album and an intro and an outro.  I think it's absolutely adorable that the font has a handwritten look and that there are a bunch of doodles and underlines and little side notes written in and around the main texts and pictures of each page.

After the intro and the pages about the songs, she dedicates two pages for each member of the Brown Eyed Girls.  So very sweet.  Now all I need is a translator to explain to me what it is that she wrote exactly... Anywho, after the pages about the members, comes the lyrics, outro, and the credits.  That's a total of 48 numbered pages, not including the "dedication page" (which is the first page that lists the distributors and the copyrights) and the credit page (the last page).

I like the attention to detail on the packaging.  The dedication page and the credit page have a typical book-like type paper.  You know, the not exactly smooth texture, thin paper, etc.  The rest of the album's pages are of a cardstock-type of material: very smooth, sort of thick, and so on.  This is just something I found super interesting.

Okay, enough about the pages.  The album itself is very sturdy (\o/).  Heh.  That looks like an angel or something with the parenthesis instead of a person raising their arms.  Er, anyways, yes.  Very sturdy.  Definitely appreciate that as I like the keep the corners sharp and pointy!  The booklet is fused into the binding, much like how a book and its pages are.  So...take what you will from that.  The texture of the album is also interesting.  It has almost a woven quality, if you noticed from the pictures above.  Be careful of getting any scratches on the album because they will show.

One bone to pick though...I'm not a huge fan of the CD just being slipped into the sleeve in the back cover.  Although if you are gentle with your albums and don't shift them around and turn them upside down often, you should be fine.  It's just a personal preference. *shrugs*

As for the music itself, well.  It's JeA.  A Brown Eyed Girl.  I don't think I need to say much on this front eh?  I think she delivered what everyone expected of her and did it well.

I hope this post helps y'all decide to support JeA and her endeavors and purchase her album!^^b

Also, as an aside, I've received the GazettE's newest single, FADELESS, so my next unboxing post will be on that.  Hopefully that post will be out before their new 7th studio album BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY releases.  WHICH IS ON OCTOBER 23!!!!  I'm excited.  I think I'm going to get the ridiculously expensive limited edition version.  I can't wait to do an unboxing post on that baby.  Also, I NEED A JOB.  Hire me? :D?

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