Saturday, February 25, 2012

Things College Students Say...

About two weeks ago or so, I overheard a conversation between two girls that made me want to simultaneously break down in a fit of laughter and smack my head against the wall in a fit of despair.

Girl 1: Hey I really liked the penguins at the exhibit at that aquarium we went to today!
Girl 2: Eh?  Penguins?  There weren't any penguins at that exhibit.  There were puffer fish though...

Me: *Speechless*

A little later in their conversation, I overheard another snippet that was just as...interesting as before, if not more.  I'm not sure who said what in terms of who I labeled Girl 1 and Girl 2 in the puffer fish/penguin conversation, but this is how it went...

Girl 1: Hey so I have blood type O-.
Girl 2: Oh, isn't that the rarest blood type?, wait it's AB!  No, no, it's OA!
Girl 1: Really? Does that exist?
Girl 2: I'm not sure.  Damn, I should know this.  I just volunteered at the blood drive today!

Me: /)__(\

Yeah.  #college

P.S. 1: I wasn't being creepy and listening in on their conversation from around the corner or anything.  I was showering and these girls were conversing in the stalls next to me.

P.S. 2: I just feel the need to point out that I go to an extremely reputable university.  I don't mean anything by it.  Just stating a fact.

P.S. 3: Oh hey!  Finally a post that isn't during the wee hours of the morn'! :D

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