Officially geeking out. Just bought my ticket to the Power Morphicon this year! \o/
My younger cousin (just by two years!) asked me if I wanted to go with him to the convention. A few of my friends have gone before and I've seen (and been envious of) their pictures with Walter Emmanuel Jones, or Zack, the original Black Ranger and many others! Power Rangers (the original, mind you) has always been one of my favorite shows as a kid. No matter how cheesy the storyline, or how campy the episodes, I've always loved it. I'm a huge geek-nerd for 90's television shows/cartoons/music. It's a little ridiculous how happy I get when I get to talk about it with people. So you can imagine how excited I was when my cousin asked me to go and relive our childhood again! Heh.
Now if only the wealth of knowledge I have for school material rivaled my knowledge of aforementioned 90's paraphernalia...ahaha...yeah...
ANYWHO. Come and re-experience one of the most legendary shows of modern youth!
Buy your tickets HERE!